Thursday, March 17, 2011

trust in Him...

"Trust in me" was a phrase that started off as a joke on our Brazil outreach, but it's actually become something that God is continuously reminding me of. I actually had 'Trust in Him" written on my hand for over a month, and it was an amazing reminder every day, because I had to keep re-writing it, and others would ask me about it.

It really doesn't make sense why it's so hard to trust God, because He is the only stable, eternal, unchanging one in the entire universe, seen and unseen. Any and everything else will let us down at some time. God is the only on e we can truly rely on, because He truly loves us unconditionally, and He works everything for our good.

Why would I not trust Him? Because I've been hurt in the past and let down by people, and project those disappointments onto God, when He is nothing like us. He remains faithful, even when we are unfaithful, because that's who He is, and He cannot be what He is not.

These are the lyrics from 'Nothing I hold onto' by United Pursuit Band:
i lean not on my own understanding, my life is in the hands of the Maker of heaven
i give it all to You God, trusting that You'll make something beautiful out of me
i will climb this mountain with  my hands wide open
there's nothing i hold onto
This is my heart's cry, as I learn what it looks like to trust God with all I am, because I know He is trustworthy, and will catch me when I fall. He will lead me along the best pathway for my life. I choose to trust in Him.

I pray that He will lead you to a place of trusting Him out of love, not obligation, that He would teach you how faithful and loving He is, and that He would pour out His love on you. May He overwhelm you with His presence and change you from the inside out.

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