Right, so here's where we are at: if I don't get the finance I need to get to Denver and live there for the rest of this year by Wednesday, then I won't be going. In which case, I will probably be doing a Bachelors of Theology majoring in Community Development at Cornerstone Institute here in Cape Town.
Some may wonder why I have set such a 'short' timeline for God to provide: well firstly He can totally do it. Secondly, if I want to do anything with this year in Cape Town, I need to start soon (like this week really). It really is quite strange how I happened upon this degree. In conversation with some friends, they asked what I would do if I were to stay here, so I mentioned a couple of things, and for some reason said 'try to get in late at Cornerstone' without really having thought about it. I went home and decided I might as well have a look at their courses, and I actually found one I'd love to do, which is a pretty big deal for me, because I've always had this problem of not knowing what I'd want to study and never having found a course I liked.
It's hard right now, because both are such amazingly good options. I'd be growing in such great ways, and having amazing opportunities to equip myself, be trained in the word, and pour out into other people's lives. As I think about both options individually, they both seem so good! And both are sad too, because either way I won't be with many of the people I've come to know and love.
So that's what's happening. The options are by no means mutually exclusive - one could easily be the equipping for the other and vice versa. As God has so often told me, much of what I will be doing has little to do with where, so right now it's all in His hands to decide where He wants me in order to have the biggest impact for the Kingdom and bring Him the most glory.
I feel a lot like Captain Jack Sparrow when he's shaking his compass and saying 'I know what I want! I know what I want!', and yet still the needle of the compass won't settle on a set direction. If I had to choose, I really don't know what I would choose. So it's in God's hands for Him to bring about what His best is - my life for His glory.
you are rad. wow haha. See you at Conrerstone!