Sunday, August 21, 2011

through a cup of coffee...

Flip man, I just love helping and loving people! Tonight's sermon was on 'evangelism'. I don't like that term, cause it's too Christianesey. It's not some spiritual thing - it's just being a friend to others, and telling them about your best Friend who happens to also want to be their Friend too :) It's all about love.

They offered to pray for people after the service if you wanted, to do with the whole 'evangelism' and going out and telling others about our Jesus. So I was just chilling with God, but got that annoying feeling when God's like 'hey, that's you'. Silly me tried to reason out of going up, 'cause I've been prayed for before for this kinda thing, so I don't really need to again. Sure sign it's God when you start to reason yourself out of it. Haha. After this happening a lot, I've gotten used to recognising this, so I was like, really God? And He, in His wonderful humour, said 'Just get your butt up there and get prayed for.' So I did, and realised that it was about the obedience, and that if I say I will go for God, I need to start now. It was awesome - such peace and God saying 'See, not so bad? You silly, lovely girl'.

After church, we headed over to Spur (local burger restaurant), but found it closed, so went to Mc Donalds instead. We walked past two guys on the way in who greeted us, so I greeted them back, asked how they were and they commented on how cold it was. Small talk. We went inside, and I was like - what the heck, let's buy them coffee. So I did. Went outside to give it to them, and almost walked away at that, but stayed and talked to them.

It was such a blessing to see their immense gratitude for a cup of coffee. They asked my name, and told me 'God bless you', when I was the one trying to bless them. Nice one God! I asked their names, and what they do. Peter and Andile wash cars in the parking lot outside the shopping center, but because it was raining today, they hadn't made enough money to buy bread for their family. They were waiting there in the cold, hoping for someone to buy them bread, so they could finally go home to their families. How could I not buy them bread too? Man, were they grateful! Peter said that he was amazed by how kind I was - that there aren't many people who will stop and talk to them, and that I offered without them having to ask. He said He would pray for me before he goes to bed tonight and thank God for me. Flip man! How challenging! So I offered to pray for them, which they received so gladly.

Ended up finding out that Peter had been to Pinelands Baptist Church once before, but everyone had given him weird looks, like wondering why a beggar was there, and that it had hurt him. That made me so sad - and ashamed to represent that, but honoured to get to improve his opinion. He commented on how many Christians believe in their head, but not in their heart and with their lives - so true! He told me that doesn't go to church at the moment, but that he still read his Bible, and wanted to help other people in his situation to learn to rely on God like he does, maybe even preach in a church one day!

It was such a beautiful encounter - just meeting a simple need of hot coffee on a warm night, and listening to their story. It was no inconvenience to me really at all - just a little bit of my time. But there is no place I would rather be when Jesus returns, than loving and helping people. It was such a blessing to me, and I'm sure to Peter and Andile too. Praise God for His extravagant grace and love that is so infectious, and that will permeate culture, life and the entire earth!

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